Suzuki Workshop Master Classes
Workshop Description
A master class is a unique learning experience where students are grouped into small teams based on age and level. Each student will have the opportunity to perform and receive a short, focused lesson with a Guest Teacher on a polished piece they've been working on. In addition to individual lessons, Dr. Suzuki believed that we can learn just as much from observing others. Watching fellow students play and receiving feedback helps everyone understand new ideas and gain insights into their own playing. It’s a wonderful chance to improve, grow, and be inspired by others!
Master Class teachers include Terry Durbin (violin), Kirsten Swanson (violin/viola), Lisa Liske (cello), and Betsey Sesler (harp).
All Suzuki Violin, Cello, and Harp Students
Friday, January 24st (violin, cello) and Saturday, January 25 (harp)
4-8 p.m.
Arts+ Community Campus
2034 The Plaza
Charlotte, NC 28205
Don't forget to register for Suzuki Workshop!